


admin 举报


1 、家乡如我的母亲,是用她的一草一木在哺育我们成长。

My hometown, like my mother, is nurturing us with her plants and trees.

2 、宁静的夜晚,浮想联翩,想念我的家乡,想念我的亲人,想念我的朋友!

Quiet night, imagination, miss my hometown, miss my family, miss my friends!

3 、上借天光,下接地气;清不清家乡水,亲不亲故乡人。

Borrow the light of the sky and connect to the earth; don"t know the water of your hometown clearly, and don"t be close to your hometown.

4 、驼铃轻晃,大漠芜荒,步履两行谁心伤。风沙茫茫,两鬓苍苍,胡琴声凉谁轻唱,何处是家乡。

Camel Bells sway gently, the desert is barren, walking two lines who is sad. The wind and sand are boundless, the temples are grey, the sound of Hu Qin is cool, who sings softly, where is home.

5 、我能理解路上遇到的无知跟虚荣,他们都是我家乡的人,但我想去别的地看看。

I can understand the ignorance and vanity on the way. They are all from my hometown, but I want to see them elsewhere.

6 、虽然离开家乡十几年,可是家乡的一切都没有改变,家乡的天仍然那么蓝,家乡的水仍然那么清澈。

Although I have been away from my hometown for more than ten years, nothing has changed in my hometown. The sky in my hometown is still so blue, and the water in my hometown is still so clear.

7 、锦城虽乐,不如回故乡;乐园虽好,非久留之地。归去来兮。

Although Jincheng is happy, it"s better to go back to hometown; although paradise is good, it"s not a place to stay for a long time. I"m going home!

8 、当我回到故乡,要找儿时玩伴叙旧时,才知人去楼空,不知搬到哪里去了。

When I went back to my hometown and wanted to find my childhood playmate to talk about the past, I knew that I had moved to Loukong and didn"t know where.

9 、除旧布新意兴浓,先油后刷细加工。人生乐事知多少,擦亮皮鞋亦一宗。

In addition to the old cloth, new and strong, first oil and then brush fine processing. How much joy do you know in life? Polish your shoes.

1 0 、循着家乡的小路,穿过大街小巷,我回到了家乡,这股兴奋劲儿简直无法形容。

Following the path of my hometown, through the streets and alleys, I came back to my hometown. The excitement is beyond description.

1 1 、背上行囊,就是过客;放下包袱,就找到了故乡。

To carry a bag on one"s back is a passer-by; to lay down one"s burden is to find one"s hometown.

1 2 、即使可以回到家乡,可以回去的家、家人,都已经不在了。

Even if you can go back to your hometown, the family you can go back to is no longer there.

1 3 、你让我想起了家乡的感觉,炭火的炉子遥远的歌,可是这里的冬季没有雪。

You remind me of the feeling of my hometown, the distant song of charcoal stove, but there is no snow in winter here.

1 4 、我于高山之上兮,望我故乡。故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。

I am on the mountain, looking at my hometown. Hometown is invisible and never forgotten.

1 5 、林表生寒白,湛然天地清。幽人自来去,只在月中行。

The forest surface is cold and white, and the world is clear. The hermit comes and goes only in the middle of the moon.


1 、逢人渐觉乡音异,却恨莺声似故山。

When we meet people, we gradually feel that the local voice is different, but we hate the sound of warblers like the old mountain.

2 、春来爱有归乡梦,一半犹疑梦里行。

In spring, love has a dream of returning home, and half of them are hesitating in their dreams.

3 、月是故乡明,人是故乡亲。

Moon is the hometown of Ming, people are the hometown of relatives.

4 、生仍冀得兮归桑梓,死当埋骨兮长已矣。

Life is still expected to come back to mulberry, and death is a long time.

5 、求人不如求己,他乡不如故乡。

It"s better to ask for oneself than for others, and it"s better to ask for hometown than for other country.

6 、如今白首乡心尽,万里归程在梦中。

Now Baishou"s heart is exhausted, and the journey home is in a dream.

7 、亲不亲,故乡人;美不美,乡中水。

Pro not pro, hometown people; the United States is not beautiful, rural water.

8 、哦,家乡,永远叫人依恋和动情的家乡啊!

Oh, hometown is always called attachment and emotional hometown!

9 、思归若汾水,无日不悠悠。


Think back to Fenshui, all day long.

1 0 、家乡的花儿多得数不胜数,让人看着应接不暇。

There are so many flowers in my hometown that I can"t wait to see them.

1 1 、胡马依北风,越鸟巢南枝。

Hu Ma follows the north wind and crosses the South Branch of the bird"s nest.

1 2 、家乡的水是仙水,家乡的土是金子。

The water of hometown is fairy water, and the soil of hometown is gold.

1 3 、万般恩怨皆成空,却把他乡做故乡。

All kinds of gratitude and resentment are empty, but make the other hometown.

1 4 、此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情。

In this Nocturne, it"s heard that the willows are broken. Who can"t feel the feeling of hometown.


1 、多耙一遍地,顶下一场雨。

Rake over and over again to catch the rain.

2 、马无夜草不肥,人无勤俭不富。


No horse, no grass, no fat; no man, no industry, no wealth.

3 、有囝万事足,无官一身轻。

All things are enough when there is no official, but all the body is light.

4 、贪酒不顾病,贪色不顾身,贪财不顾亲。

He who is greedy for wine does not care about disease, lust does not care about his body, and money does not care about his relatives.

5 、人生在世,吃穿二字。

Living in the world, eating and wearing.

6 、人哄地皮,地哄肚皮。

People coax the ground, coax the belly.

7 、常在河边站,难免会湿鞋。


If you stand by the river, you will get wet.

8 、媒人包入房,没包你一世人。

A matchmaker enters a house without you.

9 、好种出好苗,好葫芦开好瓢。

Good plants make good seedlings, good gourds make good ladles.

1 0 、远亲不如近邻,近邻不如对面。

A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbor, and a near neighbor is not as good as the opposite.


1 1 、有吃有行气,有烧香有保庇。

There is food, there is breath, there is incense, there is shelter.

1 2 、十月怀胎,苦处无人知。

No one knows the hardships of having a baby in October.

1 3 、冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方。

Eat carrots in winter and ginger in summer. No doctor"s prescription is needed.

1 4 、眼看十遍,不如手写一遍。


It"s better to write once than ten times.

1 5 、好竹出好笋,好老父出好囝孙。

Good bamboo makes good shoots, good father makes good grandchildren.

1 6、再穷不卖看家狗,再富不宰耕地牛。

No matter how poor you are, no matter how rich you are, no matter how rich you are, no matter how rich you are.

1 7 、洗面着洗耳后,扫地着扫壁边。

After washing your face and ears, sweep the floor and sweep the wall.

1 8、大石也要小石擎,红花也要绿叶扶。

Big rocks need small ones, and red flowers need green leaves.

1 9 、雀捕螳螂人捕雀,有心人对无心人。

A bird catches a mantis a man catches a bird.

2 0、有钱吃鱼肉,无钱求粗饱。

If you have money to eat fish, if you don"t have money, you need plenty.

2 1、密种不上粪,满地柴火棍。

It"s too dense to plant dung. It"s full of firewood sticks.

2 2 、有食有行气,有烧香就有保庇。

When there is food, there is breath; when there is incense, there is shelter.

2 3、问路靠嘴水,行路靠脚腿。

Ask for directions by mouth, and walk by feet and legs.

2 4 、草水喂到,胜于加料。

Grass water is better than feed.

2 5、是骡子是马,拉出来遛遛。

It"s mules or horses. Pull them out for a walk.

2 6、借米不借柴,借衣不借鞋。

No rice, no wood, no clothes, no shoes.